The Soviet Union played a pivotal role in World War II, enduring a brutal invasion by Nazi Germany in June 1941. Operation Barbarossa, the German invasion, caught the Soviets largely unprepared, leading to immense initial losses of territory and personnel. The Eastern Front became the deadliest theater of the war, characterized by massive tank battles, brutal sieges like that of Leningrad, and immense human suffering. Despite early setbacks, the Red Army, through sheer resilience, superior manpower, and effective industrial mobilization, eventually pushed back the German forces in battles such as Stalingrad and Kursk, marking significant turning points. The Soviet Union's immense sacrifices and contributions were crucial to the eventual Allied victory, though at a devastating cost to its people and infrastructure. Post-war, the Soviet Union emerged as a superpower, fundamentally reshaping the global political landscape.
What was the name of the German military operation that invaded the Soviet Union in 1941?
Which battle is considered a major turning point in the war on the Eastern Front, marking the beginning of the Soviet Union's push westward?
What was a significant factor contributing to the Soviet Union's eventual success against the German invasion?
The Siege of Leningrad, one of the most brutal sieges in history, took place in which current country?