The Battle of Normandy, also known as D-Day, was a pivotal military campaign of World War II that began on June 6, 1944. It involved the Allied invasion of Nazi-occupied France, marking the beginning of the end for Nazi Germany in Western Europe. The operation involved a massive amphibious assault on the beaches of Normandy, codenamed "Overlord." Millions of Allied troops from the United States, Britain, Canada, and other nations participated. The invasion faced fierce resistance from German forces, resulting in heavy casualties on both sides. The Allies secured a foothold in Normandy after weeks of intense fighting. This paved the way for a larger-scale liberation of France, pushing German forces eastward and contributing significantly to the eventual Allied victory in Europe. The success of D-Day was a result of meticulous planning, extensive training, air superiority, and the bravery of soldiers involved, shifting the momentum of the war decisively in favor of the Allies.
What was the codename for the Allied invasion of Normandy?
On what date did the Battle of Normandy begin?
Which countries primarily participated in the Allied invasion of Normandy?
What was a significant outcome of the Battle of Normandy?