're looking for a new pair of nikesneakers well i got the list for youwhat's up everybody i'm seth fowler andtoday i'm counting down the top 10 nikesneakers that you can grab right now in2022 but first i want to thank extra forsupporting the channel extra is the firstdebit card that allows you to build yourcredit score and earn reward points justlike a credit card so because this is asneaker channel i don't usually tell youguys about my personal finance or mypersonal finance goals but it's actuallysomething that i'm really interested inover the last few years i've been on aquest to pay off all of our personaldebt and in the last year we paid off ourcar and our student loans which is sucha huge weight off my shoulders and as apersonal goal moving forward the onlydebt that i want to have in my life ismortgage debt and honestly i don't evenwant to have that but the problem is ourworld runs off your credit score whichessentially is how good you are athaving debt not only that if you haveabad credit score it's even harder tobuild up your credit because you can'tget loans and you can't get creditcards but that's where extra comes inextra is a debit card that allows you tobuild credit just like a credit card andthere's also no credit checks so even ifyou have bad credit you can still getthe extra debit card and build yourcredit so the way that extra works isthat you use the extra debit card foryour everyday purchases they spot youthat day and then the next business daythey subtract that amount from yourchecking account then at the end ofevery month extra tallies up how muchthat you spent with your extra debitcard and they report that amount to thecredit bureau so that you can startbuilding up credit plus you can also earnreward points with your extra debit cardjust like you would with a credit cardthat you can use to spend on awesomestuff so if you would like to check outthe extra debit card for yourself andstart building credit with a debit cardmake sure to click the link in the top ofthe description below once again hugethank you to extra for supporting thechannel so nike is obviously the biggestfootwear brand out there or one of thebiggest footwear brands out there andbecause of that they've got an insaneselection of sneakers now unfortunatelybecause of hype a lot of these sneakersaren't available most of the time becausethey're sold out however that doesn'tmean that there isn't some really greatnike sneakers that you can walk intoyour local sneaker store and buy rightnow in fact a lot of times these generalrelease sneakers that are alwaysavailable are more comfortable and evenbetter looking than some of the morehyped up limited sneakers and actuallyif you want to grab any of the sneakerson the list for yourself i've made sureto leave affiliate links to each one ofthese shoes in the description below sowithout further ado let's just dive intothe list with the honorable mention sothe honorable mention is the nike air maxscorpion so the reason this shoe is anhonorable mention and not on the actuallist is not because i don't think thisis going to be a great shoe but it'sprimarily because at the time ofrecording this video this shoe has yet tocome out as of right now there's not a lotof information out about the nike air maxscorpion other than how it looks andalso the fact that this shoe isreleasing to commemorate the 35thanniversary of the nike air max andpersonally i just really wanted to putthis shoe on the list because this isone of my most anticipated sneakerreleases of the entire year i love theway this shoe looks and i get it mightnot be for everybody but it's kind ofcrazy looking so based on these imagesit looks like the nike air max scorpionis kind of a mashup of the nike airvapor max and the nike air max 720. it'sgot these huge connected air units onthe outsole that kind of make it looklike you're walking on clouds and thenthe upper of the shoe comes with areally interesting looking flyknit uppernow i'm not 100% sure that the entireupper is made up of flyknit i've heardconflicting reports as to what the upperis actually made of but from theseimages it kind of looks like flyknit sothat's what i'm going to go with andman i just love the way this sneakerlooks if i could put it on my feet andjust kind of bounce into every step itreally looks like you jump in this shoeand you're gonna fly like 50 feet in theair it's awesome now obviously that'snot going to happen but regardless thisshoe in my opinion looks great it's thelatest air max iteration and because ofthat this shoe is the
Which shoe is not a Nike basketball sneaker?
Which shoe is the most expensive?