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Unit 1
Introduction to Ems
Unit 2 • Chapter 1

Em and En quads

Video Summary

Em quads and en quads are units of measurement in typography, specifically for horizontal spacing. They're based on the width of the 'M' (em) and 'n' (en) characters in a given typeface. An em quad is traditionally the width of the capital 'M' in the chosen font, while an en quad is typically half the width of an em quad, though this can vary slightly. These units offer a relative and adaptable approach to spacing, unlike fixed-width measurements like points or pixels. Historically crucial for controlling the spacing between words, lines, and paragraphs, em and en quads provide a flexible and scalable solution for consistent typographic layout across different font sizes and styles. Their use contributes to visually appealing and readable text. In modern typesetting software, these units are often represented in terms of points but maintain their proportional relationship to the font's 'M' and 'n' characters. While less frequently used directly in modern word processors and web design due to relative units like ems and rems, understanding em and en quads offers insight into the historical foundations and principles of typography.

Knowledge Check

What is the traditional typographic unit of measurement based on the width of the capital 'M'?

Approximately, what fraction of an em quad is an en quad?

Why are em and en quads considered relative units of measurement?