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Amazon Web Service EC2

Unit 1
Unit 1: How to use
Introduction to EC2EC2 PricingEC2 Instance Types
Unit 2 • Chapter 1

Creating an EC2 Instance

Video Summary

This video tutorial shows how to create an Amazon EC2 instance and connect to it. Steps: 1. Go to the AWS Management Console and select EC2. 2. Click Launch Instance. 3. Choose an AMI, instance type, and storage. 4. Create a key pair. 5. Configure the network settings. 6. Create a security group. 7. Click Launch Instance. 8. Wait for the instance to start. 9. Connect to the instance using SSH.

Knowledge Check

What is the name of the web browser based method of connecting to an EC2 instance?

What is the default architecture for an EC2 instance?

What is the name of the file format that is used to store SSH key pairs?