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Quantum Chromodynamics

Unit 1
Unit 1: Field Theories
Introduction to Field TheoryClassical Field TheoryQuantum Field Theory
Unit 2 • Chapter 5

Color Charge in Quantum Chromodynamics

Video Summary

In Quantum Chromodynamics, quarks and gluons have a property called color charge. The three types of color charges are red, green, and blue. Color charges are associated with the strong force, which is responsible for holding quarks together inside protons and neutrons. The strong force is mediated by gluons, which are also colored. Gluons can interact with each other, and this interaction is responsible for the confinement of quarks.

Knowledge Check

What is a color charge in Quantum Chromodynamics?

What is the difference between color charge and electric charge?

How many color charges are there in Quantum Chromodynamics?